Modernization of a milk processing factory

The project proposal is an expression of the will and ambition of the enterprise to continue to develop in the dairy industry by producing high quality dairy products and expanding its product range. The investment project envisages the purchase of new technological equipment and the introduction of the internationally recognized IFS version 6.0 standard. The implementation of the project will contribute to expanding the production capacity of the dairy, modernizing and automating the production process. By purchasing the new technological equipment, LACTOCOM Ltd. will significantly improve its production capacity by not only increasing the capacity of milk processing but also achieving efficiency and efficiency in the production processes - better quality of production, lowering of its cost and a favorable, balanced price of output for market niches. In addition, new energy-efficient and efficient technology machines and equipment will result in a significant drop in the applicant's additional costs and cost of production. Overall, the realization of the investment will not only improve the quality, variety and quantity of the produced products, but will also have a favorable impact on the market price, the competitiveness and the indicators of both the company and the region where the investment intention.

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Status Contracted
Start date 23 Aug, 2021
End date 23 Aug, 2023
Contract date 23 Aug, 2021
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 1,629,720.18
Grant 814,860.07
Self finance 814,860.11
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 75.0%
