Modernization of the agricultural holding on the territory of the village of Pristoe, Kaolinovo Municipality

Ivan Stoyanov Yordanov was registered as a farmer on 21.12.2015 under Ordinance № 3 of 29.01.1999 on the establishment and maintenance of a register of agricultural producers and the amendments and supplements. The applicant develops agricultural activity in the Fruit and Vegetables and Fodder crops sectors and manages 11,999 dca of agricultural land. The estate of Ivan Yordanov consists of 10 decares of plum plantations, 1,999 decares of alfalfa, which the farmer processes on the basis of a notary deed of property and a signed lease agreement. The size of the farm measured in the SPO EUR amounts to 7334,95 SPO EUR. As a good farmer, Ivan Yordanov cultivates his holding in a biological way, according to a contract for biological certification and control, and is currently in the process of transition to organic production. The project proposal of the applicant envisages investments in the modernization of the farm and the material capacities, which will be realized by purchasing agricultural equipment and restructuring of the currently available agricultural holding entirely in the Fruit and Vegetables sector, in the area of alfalfa new perennial plantations will be created - plums of 1,999 decares. The applicant aims to increase the sustainability and viability of the farm as well as to develop competitive agriculture, which will be achieved by realizing the planned investments.

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Status Contracted
Start date 11 Mar, 2021
End date 15 Sep, 2023
Contract date 11 Mar, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 46,444.00
Grant 32,510.80
Self finance 13,933.20
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
