The investment amounts to BGN 44 760.00 included VAT the purchase of: HITTNER model tractor, ECOTRAC40 model worth 27600,00 BGN included VAT included, ECOTRAC40 model wheel loader, worth 4800,00 BGN included VAT, trailer tipper brand SAN SEN , model 1,5 T 3WT worth 3480,00 BGN included VAT , SAN SEN rotor mower, model 5TMB worth 1500,00 BGN included VAT , plow TGM model 3x20 worth 480,00 included VAT, excavator SAN SEN model BH 5600 worth 5400 BGN included VAT, harrow SAN SEN model 5 DH worth BGN 1500 with VAT.The technique will be purchased by TEHNO GROUP Ltd., Sliven. The good relationship between price and quality features of the technique and the available spare parts network are the main criteria for choosing the supplier as well as the afore mentioned brands and models of agricultural machinery. This agricultural machine corresponds to the maximum extent of the needs and possibilities of the Vihren Nedyalkov Sharkov farm for the development of the production.The technique subject to the investment will be used exclusively for processing the farm's own activities. The expected subsidy for it is 75% of the total eligible costs, with the main subsidy being 60% and an additional 15% as the farmer fulfills commitments under measure 10 "Agro-ecology and climat" and measure 11 "Organic farming ". For realization of the project Vihren Nedyalkov Sharkov provided own funds, 100% of the investment costs.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 10 Feb, 2021 |
End date | 10 Feb, 2023 |
Contract date | 10 Feb, 2021 |
Financial information
Total cost | 44,566.43 |
Grant | 33,424.82 |
Self finance | 11,141.61 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |