Purchase of agricultural equipment for the plant breeding of Tsvetelina Radoslavova Marinova

The project was developed for application under sub-measure 4.1.2 "Investments in agricultural holdings under Thematic sub-program for development of small farms" from measure 4 "Investments in tangible assets" from the RDP 2014-2020.The investment is for the purchase and commissioning of agricultural machinery - tractor, wheeled and 25 hp power and equipment - shredder and mounted fan sprayer The farmable area of ​​the farm is situated on inclined terrains, processing 20,830 decares in the Fruit and Vegetables sector. The farm is part of a mountainous disadvantaged area. In this connection, the necessary and planned for the farm tractor is a power range of 25 hp, a traction system - 4 x 4, a three-point hinged system for the possibility of hanging attachments suitable for work on sloping terrain and in the gap of perennials - raspberries and vegetables, incl. potatoes and beans. The investment will be used to perform mechanized soil and plant protection activities. The shredder will not only cut and shred grass, but will also allow for the shredding of branches with 2 cm to 4 cm thick, which includes shoots that have dropped and remained in the bumps after pruning. For the implementation of the plant protection measures, it is planned to put into operation a sprayer - a ventilated hood. The attachment subject to the investment is suitable for aggregation to the tractor subject of the investment. Agricultural equipment will be included in agro-technical measures for soil cultivation and plant protection activities in raspberries in the 10,000 acres of land, potatoes in the area of ​​3,000 decares and beans at 0,931 acres in the river. The agricultural machinery will be included as soon as it is purchased. The technical characteristics of the agricultural machinery correspond to both the needs of the agricultural holding and the agro-technical equipment and the agri-environmental requirements of the crops.

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Status Contracted
Start date 08 Mar, 2021
End date 08 Mar, 2023
Contract date 08 Mar, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 30,384.00
Grant 21,268.80
Self finance 9,115.20
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
