The investments in this project proposal are as follows: 1. purchase of a tractor with a maximum power of 40 hp and an engine capacity of 1647 cc; 2. Purchase a mulcher with a working width of 140 cm and work bodies 14 hammers. The total value of the investment is 5548,34 BGN without VAT and 6658,00 BGN VAT included. Since the applicant is not registered under VAT, the amount of the investment applied for is the VAT or 50,160 BGN. The expected financial support is 70% of the investment value (37 688.00 BGN), as the applicant's holding is situated in a mountainous area in the village of Stolata, municipality of Sevlievo, region of Gabrovo. The tractor and the mulcher subject to the planned investment shall be tailored to the holding's business. The applicant plans to enter into a rental contract for a courier, including a trailer compatible with the tractor, to be bought in the order. By implementing this project proposal the candidate is expected to: - equip himself with the necessary physical capital for his holding, as the available fixed assets are insufficient; - reduce the cost of external services - on the farm to coin, external mechanized services are used, which leads to high costs and often problems arise with the inappropriate carrying out of the necessary agro-technical measures; - improve working conditions - by purchasing the tractor and the mulch will reduce manual labor, as part of the perennial cultivation operations will be mechanized; - increase the efficiency of the farm - the use of the tractor and the mulch will reduce the time required to carry out the necessary agro-technical measures to grow our long-lasting
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 26 Feb, 2021 |
End date | 04 Mar, 2021 |
Contract date | 26 Feb, 2021 |
Financial information
Total cost | 36,774.66 |
Grant | 25,742.26 |
Self finance | 11,032.40 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |