Investment in agricultural machinery and improvement of the state of the vegetable farm on the territory of Chernomortsi village

Elitsa Marian Sherban is registered as a farmer since 04.02.2016 according to Ordinance № 3 of 29.01.1999 and owns URN 444635. The candidate develops agricultural activity in the Fruit and Vegetables sector and manages 21,460 decares of agricultural land. The estate of Elitsa Sherban consists of 12.9 decares of melons, 2 decares of eggplant, 1 decare of broccoli and 5.560 decares of fallow land. The farmer has placed her vegetable farm on the land of the village of Chernomortsi on a property for which there are legal grounds under a signed lease agreement. The size of the agricultural holding of Elitsa Sherban, as measured in SPO EUR, corresponds to 7596,83 SPO EUR. The project proposal of ZP Elitsa Sherban aims to restructure and develop the material capacities in the holding by providing investment in the purchase of agricultural equipment, and the manufacturer does not have available at the date of application. The applicant aims to increase the economic sustainability and viability of the farm as well as to develop a competitive agriculture that will be achieved by realizing the planned investment.

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Status Contracted
Start date 24 Feb, 2021
End date 24 Feb, 2023
Contract date 24 Feb, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 43,755.36
Grant 26,253.21
Self finance 17,502.15
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
