"Improving the mechanization of the economy by investing funds for the purchase of agricultural machinery"

This project applies for the purchase and commissioning of agricultural machinery - wheeled tractor and inventory - fan sprayer and mower rotor mounted. This technique will be used for the cultivation and cultivation of agricultural crops - bilberry organic production and fruit plantations - peaches and cherries. The applicant's holding is a plant-growing, with an EA 7950,41 EUR, is located in the settlements of two settlements of Sliven and Chintulovo, Sliven, region Sliven. At present, orchard crops of 3,965 dk, cherries of 5,800 dk and essential oil crops (25,186 dk) are grown. The technical security of the holding is low, the applicant does not have the necessary agricultural machinery and inventory and for the main agro-technical activities he uses external mechanized services. This creates problems for the proper agrotechnics of crops and timely implementation of agro-technical measures. Expenditure on external services costs and leads to high cost of production. With the successful implementation of the project will be started the creation of a machine-tractor park on the farm, which will contribute to the optimization of the timetables for carrying out the agro-technical measures as well as reducing the costs and maximizing the economic effect of the activity, increasing the production results, the efficiency of the farmer's activity. The investment will be carried out with one-step bank credit. The technical characteristics of the machinery correspond to the needs of the agricultural holding of agricultural machinery, the technology used for growing the crops, the soil and climatic conditions and the qualification of the farmer. The project complies with all requirements for sustainable agriculture, organic production, simple reproduction, competitiveness, environmental protection and social acceptability.

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Status Contracted
Start date 16 Mar, 2021
End date 16 Mar, 2023
Contract date 16 Mar, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 48,895.00
Grant 34,226.48
Self finance 14,668.52
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
