Purchase of shredder, motor sprayer and grape harvester from the farmer Daniela Tsvetanova Ivanova.

The investments in this project proposal are the following: 1. purchase of Shredder ZANON, TML 115; 2. purchase of ZANON vine-growing scissor, model TIGER ZT 40; 3. purchase of the STIHL SR 450 motor sprayer with the following parameters: 63.3 cubic centimeters, tank of the preparation 14 liters. The total value of the investment is 5948,33 BGN without VAT and 7138,00 BGN, respectively, with VAT. Since the applicant is not registered under VAT, the amount of the investment applied for is the VAT or 7138,00 BGN. The expected financial aid is 70% of the investment value (4996,60 BGN), as the holding is located entirely in an area with natural and other specific restrictions / land Gesha village, Dryanovo municipality, Gabrovo region /. As the applicant does not have his own equipment, he will enter into a tractor lease agreement that is technically compatible with the shredder planned for purchase. The technique subject to the planned investment is tailored to the farming activity of the holding. With the implementation of the project, the applicant is expected to: - is equipped and modernized with equipment necessary for the holding; - reduce the cost of external services - on the farm to coin, external mechanized services are used, which leads to high costs and often problems arise with the inappropriate carrying out of the necessary agro-technical measures; - improving the working conditions - by purchasing the planned equipment, manual labor will be reduced and part of the perennial cultivation operations will be mechanized; - increase the efficiency of the holding - the use of the equipment planned for purchase will reduce the time required to carry out the necessary agro-technical measures for the cultivation of permanent crops, the production losses will be limited.

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Status Contracted
Start date 04 Feb, 2021
End date 04 Feb, 2023
Contract date 04 Feb, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 7,138.00
Grant 4,996.60
Self finance 2,141.40
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
