Increasing the viability and competitiveness of the farm by buying agricultural machinery-tractor

Candidate for Sub-measure 4.1.2 has conducted a market research and has focused on a technique appropriate to the needs of its farm and meeting the needs for the cultivated crop cultivation activity. The purchase of agricultural equipment - tractor, 40 hp without cab, Iseki, model TG6375 is planned. The investment is worth BGN 33,000. VAT included. with the measure being expected to be 70% of the total eligible costs. The technique will be purchased with your own funds. Buying the desired agricultural equipment will lead to an improvement in the production assets of the holding. By acquiring the technique, the farmer will be relieved and will cease to use part of the external services related to the soil treatment. It will reduce the dependence of production on the use of rental equipment, reduce costs and increase incomes. The timely implementation of agro-technical treatments will help to meet the deadlines and improve crop cultivation activities. The purchase of a new tractor will contribute to the protection of the environment, incl. reduction of harmful emissions and waste; increasing labor productivity; lower production costs; improving the efficiency of raw materials used in production and increasing yields.

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Status Contracted
Start date 24 Feb, 2021
End date 24 Feb, 2023
Contract date 24 Feb, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 33,000.00
Grant 23,100.00
Self finance 9,900.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
