Purchase of a wheeled tractor to modernize the farm of a farmer Donka Koleva

This investment proposal aims to increase the quality and quantity of production and lower production costs by modernizing / increasing the available production tangible assets, thus increasing the competitiveness of Bulgarian fresh fruit produced on the farm. The investment under this project proposal amounts to BGN 28,000 with VAT (23333,33 BGN without VAT) and includes the purchase and commissioning of a wheeled tractor with a rated engine power of 40 hp / 30 kBt, 4 x 4 drive framing frame and cab.This project proposal will apply for a 60% grant from the total eligible costs. The tractor subject of the investment fully meets the needs of the applicant's agricultural holding and has the necessary technical and operational characteristics and will be delivered by the company "Techno group-M" Limited Liability Company, Sliven. The good cost-to-brand ratio, model and technical features, and the available spare parts and service network are the key criteria for choosing a supplier.The project will be implemented in one stage. To implement it, the applicant has secured its own funds. With the wheeled tractor the object of the investment will be the basic and vegetative treatments of the soil in the intervals of the permanent crops, the plant protection treatments will be used, will be used for transporting and spreading of fertilizers, removal of the branches from the pruning and the produced production.

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Status Contracted
Start date 05 Feb, 2021
End date 05 Feb, 2023
Contract date 05 Feb, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 28,000.00
Grant 16,800.00
Self finance 11,200.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
