Construction of a storage and sorting warehouse for fruit and vegetables, agricultural machinery and equipment

This project proposal by Ivan Dimitrov Gjurejkliev by Sub-measure 4.1.2. "Investment in agricultural holdings under thematic sub-program for development of small farms" from measure 4 "Investments in tangible assets" concerns the construction of an underground warehouse for storage and sorting of fruits and vegetables, agricultural machines and inventory, in the territory of the village of Koprivlen, Hadzhidimovo, Blagoevgrad region. By implementing the present investment, the economic value of the farm of Ivan Dimitrov Gjurejkliev will increase. The investment will modernize physical capital, introduce new technologies, increase labor productivity, production quality and added value. By realizing the investment, the competitiveness of the applicant's farm will be increased by: 1. Restructuring and development of the available material capacities in the farms; 2. encouraging the introduction of new processes and technologies to improve the quality of production; " The implementation of the project will lead to compliance with EU standards and selection of working conditions and preservation of the production on the farm, including the protection of the environment components, for which purpose the waste products from the underground storage will be composted and returned as the organic fertilizer of orchards on the farm. The collective action of the planned investments will lead to high and sustainable competitiveness.

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Status Contracted
Start date 08 Feb, 2021
End date 08 Feb, 2023
Contract date 08 Feb, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 48,895.00
Grant 34,226.50
Self finance 14,668.50
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
