Tihomir Borisov is a farmer who is engaged in vegetable production. In the development of the business plan, an analysis has been made for the needs of the farm based on the size of the holding and future potential for development. The harvesting of potatoes is a very labor-intensive and long process in which too much labor is to be used, the finding of seasonal workers in agriculture is difficult and creates certain difficulties for farmers. The main objective of the project is to improve the overall activity and competitiveness of the farm, modernization and technical provision by acquiring a new machine for the activity on the farm. Applying under Sub-Measure 4.1.2. Investments in Agricultural Holdings under the Thematic Sub-Program for Development of Small Farms "from measure 4" Investments in Material Assets ", the farmer Tihomir Borisov, who develops agricultural activity on the territory of the village of Tryklevo, Ivanovo Municipality, Rousse District intends to buy the following technique- Potato harvester JONIOR brand SPEDO model SRPA-1 / J The machine is designed for harvesting potatoes and for the most precise and delicate harvesting and equipment that protects the products from peeling and pomegranate accession countries. It is equipped with platrofma for easier sorting potatoes to quality. If necessary, this machine when changing the working body into the earth can be harvested onions and garlic. When using the machine is rented tractor.

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Status Contracted
Start date 04 Feb, 2021
End date 04 Feb, 2023
Contract date 04 Feb, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 29,206.80
Grant 20,444.76
Self finance 8,762.04
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
