Purchase of motor hair, motor saw, motor sprayer, appliance and motor castor from the farmer Canyo Petrov Kanev.

With the current sub-measure financing project 4.1.2. Investments in Agricultural Holdings under the Thematic Subprogramme for Development of Small Holdings "from Measure 4." Investments in Tangible Assets ", the farmer Canyo Petrov Kanev applied for the purchase of machinery - motor hair, motor saw, motor sprayer, drill and motor castor. Through this technique, plum gardens will be maintained in good agricultural and ecological condition. It will increase the productivity of labor on the farm and the efficiency of production. The type and power of the equipment planned for purchase is fully consistent with the cultivated agricultural crop, the features of the area (mountainous disadvantaged area) and the necessary agro-technical measures for the cultivation of stone fruit species - plums. 1. 1. The investments in this project proposal are as follows: 1. Purchase of motor hair "STIHL" FS 260, 41.6 cm³, 2.0 kW / 2.7 hp, 7.5 kg / weight unladen with fuel, without cutting tool and fuse); 2. purchase of STIHL MS 261, 50.2 cm³, 3.0 kw / 4.1 hp, 4.9 kg / unladen fuel with no fuel rail and chain /; 3. purchase of "STIHL" SR 430, 63.3 cm³, 14 liters, 12.2 kg / unladen fuel, complete /; 4. purchase of "STIHL" BT 131, 36.3 cm³, 1.4 kW / 1.9 hp, 10.0 / unladen fuel without rail and chain /; 5. Purchasing a motor scooter "STIHL" HT 103 31.4 cm³, 1.05 kW / 1.4 hp, 7.2 kg. / weight unladen with fuel without a rail and a chain). The total value of the investment is 5548,34 BGN without VAT and 6658,00 BGN VAT included. As the applicant is not registered under the VAT Act, the amount of the investment applied for is the VAT or 6658,00 BGN. The expected financial aid is 80% of the value of the investment (5326,40 BGN), as the holding is located entirely in mountainous land and the farmer meets the criteria for "Young farmer".

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Status Contracted
Start date 22 Mar, 2021
End date 22 Mar, 2023
Contract date 22 Mar, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 6,658.00
Grant 5,326.40
Self finance 1,331.60
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
