Purchase of equipment and equipment for the modernization of a bio beekeeping farm.

The development of the current investment project and its implementation aims at introducing on the farm a system for increasing agricultural productivity, production volume and more efficient use of resources in a beehive bio-production facility located in northwestern Bulgaria in order to fosters competitive and sustainable agriculture that "achieves more with less" in harmony with the environment. This will help to build a competitive primary sector that ensures food supply, product diversity and global production, a long-term supply of different food and other food commodities, and a better allocation of added value along the food chain. The project proposal is aimed at the purchase of machinery and equipment for the purpose of modernization, improvement of the efficiency and efficiency of the agricultural holding - biologically certified, as the result of the implemented investments will increase the competitiveness of the enterprises from the agricultural sector, the quality of the production produced and will be introduced innovative approach to honey production. There will also be an opportunity to store the finished product, which will allow it to be realized at an appropriate time at a higher price.

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Status Contracted
Start date 09 Mar, 2021
End date 09 Mar, 2023
Contract date 09 Mar, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 36,876.69
Grant 29,501.35
Self finance 7,375.34
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
