Purchase of complete equipment for two laying hen buildings for egg production

Complete equipment of two buildings for breeding laying hens with dimensions of 84 meters by 15.30 meters each and a capacity of 29,280 birds in a building. The equipment contains the following components: - System for cellular rearing of laying hens with the possibility of automated feeding of birds, organized in five rows on four floors - Automated fertilizer cleaning system - Automated egg collection system - Automated ventilation and cooling system - Automated lighting system - Feed storage bins - two pieces and volume up to 42 m3 - Automated feed transport routes

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Status Contracted
Start date 20 Apr, 2022
End date 01 Oct, 2023
Contract date 20 Apr, 2022
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 977,509.93
Grant 488,754.96
Self finance 488,754.97
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
