Modernization of an existing livestock farm

Pig breeding in Bulgaria is a branch with traditions, which is one of the most promising branches of animal husbandry. It is characterized by a high degree of industrialization and concentration, and a developed fodder base. The spread of African swine fever (ASF) is a serious threat to the development of the sector. The disease, which generates serious losses for farmers from Central and Eastern Europe - Poland, Belarus, Russia, Ukraine, etc., in 2018 was registered in Bulgaria, and in 2019 was confirmed an outbreak of ASF in the back. yard on the territory of Veliko Tarnovo district (with Order № RD 11-1432 / 24.07.2019 an outbreak of ASF was declared in the land of the village of Morava, Svishtov municipality, Veliko Tarnovo district; by Order № RD 11-1464 / 25.07 .2019 for an outbreak of ASF in a facility for breeding pigs for personal use in the village of Klimentovo, Polski Trambesh municipality, Veliko Tarnovo district). In this regard, prevention is the best protection at farm level. Against this background, the importance of investing in biosecurity technologies and the exchange of experience stands out. In order to increase the level of biosecurity and prevent infection on the territory of its pig farm, the company intends to purchase and put into operation technological equipment for five production buildings for fattening pigs. The purpose of this investment is to achieve isolation of the indoor micro-environment in the buildings from the outside in order to prevent the access of pests in the production buildings where pigs are kept. Restricted access to pigs is vital to prevent African plague from entering the site. It is also planned to purchase a fumigator for disinfection, which will disinfect both the vehicles entering the site and the production premises before loading with a new batch of pigs for fattening.

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Status Contracted
Start date 06 Apr, 2022
End date 01 Oct, 2023
Contract date 06 Apr, 2022
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 771,543.44
Grant 385,771.72
Self finance 385,771.72
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%

