Stoyka Vasileva is mainly engaged in animal husbandry in the village of Konstantino, municipality. Avren, reg. Varna. In the livestock farm - cowshed are raised 20 calves and pups up to 1 year, 3 calves and pups per 1 year for breeding and 26 dairy cows. Agricultural equipment is rented and insufficient for the production of animal feed. The technology of animal husbandry is pasture. Meat-producing cows are raised for the production of meat with a type of stable-pasture breeding - each cow has a separate bed and the feeding process takes place in this separate place.It is necessary to provide quality care in animal husbandry and security in the production process, for which the PA provides for the purchase of a tractor, front loader, straw baler, haymaker, mower, self-propelled mower, trailer, silage mixer, disc harrow, sprayer, as will be purchased and placed containers, type modular construction for storage of feed and to provide a place for changing and disinfection of personnel. The planned machines will be used for cleaning the stables where the animals are kept and for collecting food and preparing it for feeding the animals.The equipment, subject of the investment, determines the need for modernization of the economy and increase of the competitiveness, as well as improvement of the working conditions of the PA. In order to achieve the goal, namely to increase the competitiveness of the agricultural holding on the market of cow products, the PA intends to apply with the current project for the purchase of modern agricultural machinery and attached equipment to it under the RDP 2014-2020. The machines provided for purchase are fully compliant with the production capacity of the farm, as well as with European and international standards and norms.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 27 Apr, 2022 |
End date | 01 Oct, 2023 |
Contract date | 27 Apr, 2022 |
Financial information
Total cost | 451,850.00 |
Grant | 225,925.00 |
Self finance | 225,925.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |