Purchase of agricultural machinery and equipment covering the requirements of biosecurity in the livestock farm

Mr. Varbanov applies with a project under Selection Procedure № BG06RDNP001-4.008 "Target admission for farmers in the livestock sector" under sub-measure 4.1 "Investments in agricultural holdings" for the purchase of specialized agricultural machinery and equipment serving a cow farm with a capacity of 80 dairy cows. The subject of the investment covers the biosecurity of the farm - a set of management and physical measures that reduce the risk of penetration, development and spread of animal diseases and last but not least the production of quality milk. Working conditions and the microclimate on the farm will be significantly improved.The investment aims to directly improve the conditions of animal husbandry, ie. increase of comfort and hygiene of breeding, feeding, which will significantly contribute to the reduction of diseases and increase of productivity. The tractor will be used mainly in the farm and the front loader - for loading and unloading activities related to animal nutrition - hay and straw , and for spreading the litter - animal straw. The animal bedding is mainly made of straw, which provides for daily activities on the farm and the employment of this composition is 365 days on the farm.The mower subject of the investment will be coupled with an available tractor / depreciated / by cleaning the areas occupied by pastures and meadows in order to comply with the requirements. In terms of improving milking parameters, increasing the efficiency of herd management and milk storage , it is planned to carry out reconstruction and modernization of a milking installation with a central milk line, in order to meet the increased milk yield and the increased requirements for milk quality. It will improve the management of the herd, things that are directly related to the quality control of the finished product, and hence the security to the end user.

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Status Contracted
Start date 07 Apr, 2022
End date 01 Oct, 2023
Contract date 07 Apr, 2022
View in UMIS


Financial information

Total cost 215,042.27
Grant 107,521.14
Self finance 107,521.13
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
