he investment intention envisages the purchase and commissioning of the aviary system TECNO IDEAL RAS 227, 3 rows, 2 floors with 62.22 m. For breeding 39,780 laying hens from day-old chicks to sixteen-week-old laying hens. The system including full equipment with feeding systems, maintenance of microclimate, cake cleaning, lighting and will be installed in an existing production hall on the territory of an existing livestock farm, registered under Art. 137 of the LVMD under number 2BG 20114. To ensure the production activity a diesel unit for emergency power supply will be purchased, which will be used to provide reserve power in case of accidents. Providing reserve power is extremely important, because to maintain the microclimate and all the necessary indicators in poultry farming it is necessary to work simultaneously a set of systems - for ventilation, air conditioning, feeding, watering, lighting. The project amounts to a total value of BGN 927,360.02 without VAT and includes: • Installation for aviary breeding of 39780 growing laying hens TECNO IDEAL RAS 227, 3 rows, 2 floors with 62.22 m length of each row; • Three-phase diesel unit for emergency power supply, AKSA, model AD 275
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 28 Mar, 2022 |
End date | 01 Oct, 2023 |
Contract date | 28 Mar, 2022 |
Financial information
Total cost | 956,697.02 |
Grant | 478,348.51 |
Self finance | 478,348.51 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |