Increasing the biosecurity measures in the poultry farm of VESKO - VESELIN IVANOV ST

With this investment project VESKO - VESELIN IVANOV ET applies under sub-measure 5.1 "Support for investments in preventive measures aimed at limiting the consequences of probable natural disasters, adverse climatic events and catastrophic events" in order to improve biosecurity measures in the economy and reducing the risk of infecting the holding with infectious avian diseases. The investments under the project are aimed at construction of facilities and systems related to prevention and safe storage of feed in the livestock site in accordance with the requirements of Ordinance 44/2006, Art. 4, para 1, item 6. The applicant's farm is positioned in Yambol district. , in which in recent years outbreaks of two of the most popular bird diseases "Influenza A" in the village of Zimnitsa and Pravdino, municipality. Straldzha, Yambol region in 2018. and "Newcastle disease" in 2009 on the land of the village of Mamarchevo, Bolyarovo municipality, district Yambol. In order to prevent the entry of infectious diseases into the poultry farm, VESKO - VESELIN IVANOV ET intends to invest in the purchase of 2 pcs. checkpoints, which represent a portal system for automatic disinfection of the entrances / exits for the vehicles entering the site (with lengths of the portal corresponding to the entrances / exits of the site, namely 5.5 m and 4.9 m) and to build a new generation silo farm for storage of the feed needed by the farm, having a system for disinfection of grain raw materials. In particular, the silo farm subject to the investment project has a total silo volume of 1215 m3, including: silos -3 pcs - each with a capacity of 405 m2 or a total of 1215 m3 system for disinfection of grain raw materials - 1 set

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Status Contracted
Start date 25 Feb, 2022
End date 31 Dec, 2024
Contract date 25 Feb, 2022
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 366,924.52
Grant 183,462.23
Self finance 183,462.29
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
