Fruit growing as a successful business for the young farmers in Dobrudja

The candidate with this project is farmer Rosen Radoslavov Akpunarliev from Belitsa village, municipality of Tutrakan, region Silistra. The candidate is young, not married, and with professional skills in dealing with permanent crops. He is currently looking after 21 ha of apricots in the village of Stefan Karadja, region of Silistra, and he is planning on growing this orchard garden with more space for apricots. The planned investment is bying a power-driven chainsaw. At the end of the project, the young farmer will be looking after a bigger area of permanent crops, will provide for seasonal work opportunities in a poor region with high unemployment rates, will look for ways and channels to sell the produce to the end user or on nearby Romanian markets. His standard of living will improve and there will be a long-term motive for him to stay and develop his business in a village region, which in turn would help to reduce or at least slow down the process of depopulation of Bulgarian villages.

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Status Contracted
Start date 15 Jan, 2021
End date 15 Jul, 2025
Contract date 15 Jan, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 48,895.00
Grant 48,895.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 24,447.50
EU participation percent 90.0%
