The farm does not have enough farmland for its development. The arable land will be increased in future. An orchard of 0,600 hectares will be rented. The farm will be specialized in the area of permanent crops. Start of the implementation of the business plan begins in the first business year by purchasing a cultivator and planting a new cherry orchard on an area of 0,3004 hectares. During second business year an increase of the areas with cherries is foreseen. A land with total area of 0, 5756 hectares will be rented and will be covered with cherry trees. Volume of production will also increase. This will to a better adaptation to the market conditions. The cost of production will be significantly reduced. Farm will become more competitive. With the new production volumes, possibility for a new profitable contracts for purchase of a wholesale products will be sought. He is planning to employ one person on a permanent employment contract in the second business year. Farmer will declare each year his areas for direct payments support and state aid schemes applicable to his holding.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 25 Jan, 2021 |
End date | 25 Jul, 2025 |
Contract date | 25 Jan, 2021 |
Financial information
Total cost | 48,895.00 |
Grant | 48,895.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 24,447.50 |
EU participation percent | 90.0% |