Development of an agricultural holding - apiary and orchard in Aksakovo Municipality

Victor Ivanov Ivanov is a registered farmer since 14.06.2017. The applicant is active in the "Fruits and Vegetables" and "Livestock" sectors. His farm includes 1,5021 ha of fruit trees (1,4351 ha cherry trees and 0,0670 ha other fruit types - mixed orchard) and an animal farm – apiary with 37 bee families. The cherry plants are located on own properties in the village of Klimentovo, Aksakovo Municipality, Varna District. The mixed fruit tree garden and the beehives are located in a property in the village of Dolishte, Aksakovo municipality, Varna district, which is managed under a rental agreement. The economic size of the applicant's holding measured in standard production volume equals 13 085.41 EUR (25 592.85 BGN). The farmer Viktor Ivanov has signed a contract for the control and certification of organic production with "Makom Certification" Ltd for the orchards of the holding, which are currently in a transition period to organic production. The aim of the project proposal is to create a competitive, sustainable and viable agricultural holding, producing quality organic production as well. This objective will be achieved through the following main activities: 1. Reaching compliance with existing and newly introduced EU standards 2. Investment in long-term fixed assets - buying a sprayer 3. Finishing course that includes training on key environmental protection issues in the agricultural sector 4. Acquiring professional skills and competences in the field of agriculture 5. Creating additional employment and new jobs in the farm - 1 new workplace 6. Increasing the economic size of the farm with 0,7 ha cherries 7. Conversion to organic farming of part of the farm - 0,0670 ha other fruit types (mixed orchard) and 2,1351 ha cherries.

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Status Contracted
Start date 13 Jul, 2020
End date 13 Jan, 2025
Contract date 13 Jul, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 48,895.00
Grant 48,895.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 24,447.50
EU participation percent 90.0%
