Start-up support for the establishment and development of a young farmer's farm, Radostina Dimitrova, for growing sand and bee families and hiring apricot gardens and increasing the number of families of bee families by own livestock breeding.

To restructure the farm and adapt it to market conditions, the farmer will increase the area by renting an apricot garden in December 2019 and will increase the number of bee families by 6 by own breeding until the end of the beekeeping 2020 (August). In this way, objective 1 will be met: "Increasing the economic size of the farm measured in Standard production volume (at least 4000 Euros SPV)" and Objective 2 "Increasing farmland's arable farmland".In order to reduce the cost of external mechanized services, the mottafresh will be purchased by December 2019. Within 36 months from the date of signing the grant agreement (October 2021), the farmer will meet the requirements for professional skills and competencies by completing a training course of 150 hours, if possible under sub-measure 1.1 "Vocational training and skills acquisition".If the completion of a 150-hour study course includes a subject / module of at least 15 school hours on major environmental conservation issues in the agricultural sector, the candidate will undergo this training at the same time, otherwise he / she will participates in a course / information activity on these problems lasting at least 8 school hours (until October 2021).In order to meet the plant protection law, the farmer will continue to regularly maintain a diary for the application of plant protection products, fertilizers and soil improvers and will undergo a training course for work with second-class preparations (May 2019). In connection with an increase in production, it is foreseen to open a 1 work place on the holding at the latest one year before submitting the final payment documents (from 1. 08 or 1.09.2021).

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Status Contracted
Start date 17 Jun, 2020
End date 30 Sep, 2022
Contract date 17 Jun, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 48,895.00
Grant 48,895.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 24,447.50
EU participation percent 90.0%
