Stoyan Manolov is a registered agricultural producer since July 19.2017 according to Ordinance 3 dated 29.01.1999 and owns URN number 695491. The candidate's holding is oriented into the Fruit and Vegetables sector and is situated in the territory of the town of Zlatitsa, municipality Zlatitsa, region of Sofia. Stoyan Manolov cultivates orchards with a total area of 17,200 decares, of which 5,000 decares of cherries, 7,000 decares of plums and 5,200 decares of other orchards (mixed garden) corresponding to 11,203.84 SPO measured in euro. The candidate have a contract for biological certification and control with Cosmosert-Certification Services AD and grows his orchard gardens in accordance with the biological requirements. Stoyan Manolov aims to develop an economically sustainable farm and to produce quality organic production, as is the purpose of this project proposal. In order to achieve the stated goal, the applicant plans to invest in increasing the agricultural area and the cultivated fruit-growing - creating 5,800 decares of apricots and raising them in a biological way. In addition, Stoyan Manolov envisages investments in his management skills on the farm, which took place in the course of training related to environmental protection and vocational training and acquiring specific skills and competences, as well as the purchase of a durable material asset. With the realization of the planned investments, Stoyan Manolov will grow its farm according to the best agricultural practices, will increase the quality of its production and will strengthen market positions.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 22 Jun, 2020 |
End date | 22 Dec, 2024 |
Contract date | 22 Jun, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 47,795.00 |
Grant | 47,795.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 24,447.50 |
EU participation percent | 90.0% |