growing an orchard of organic cherries

Kiril Plamenov Tomanov was born in 1987. The permanent address of the candidate is Simitli, Dimitar Blagoev 17, Simitli municipality. He is engaged in cherry farming since 18 April 2017. As a farmer, was registered with an initial registration as of 10.05.2017. The applicant handles ten properties on the land of Simitli, eight of them are planted with Kostilkovych ovoch species (cherry tree) and two of the properties are currently set aside, and later in 2019. and they will be planted with cherries. The rented properties are managed on the basis of a contract for rent of real estate - private municipal property with the municipality of Simitli on 18.04.2017. The contract is entered in the Registry Agency Blagoevgrad. So far no significant diseases and economically important diseases have arisen in cherry-growing. The agricultural land used is suitable for this purpose and is used for its intended purpose. The main costs associated with this activity are for the purchase of fertilizers and plant protection products as they have to meet organic production requirements, and they are considerably more expensive than those required for conventional production. Fertilizers and preparations are purchased from licensed pharmacies, on the territory of the municipality of Simitli and Blagoevgrad Municipality. He has concluded a contract with a certification operator for organic production with the Institute for Control of Organic Products, a joint-stock company with BIO ELLAS "- through TP" Institute for Control of Organic Products a joint-stock company with BIO ELLAS ", thus wanting the production it produces received a certificate of quality guaranteeing its greater opportunity for realization of the produced fruits.

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Status Contracted
Start date 21 Oct, 2019
End date 21 Apr, 2024
Contract date 21 Oct, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 48,895.00
Grant 48,895.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 24,447.50
EU participation percent 90.0%
