Start-up support for setting up and developing the holding of the young farmer Mihail Mladenov, specialized in growing bee families in a biological way and increasing them through their own breeding activities.

For the restructuring of the farm and its adaptation to market conditions, the farmer will increase the number of bee families by own breeding activity of 200 in the application of the measure to 264 in the year of the implementation of the business plan - May 2021. The new bee families will also be cultivated using the organic production method, and an Annex to the contract (May 2021) will be concluded for this purpose, which will achieve objective 9,2.Process to organic production of the whole farm.With an increase in the number of bee families, the requirements of Objective 1 will be met. "Increasing farm size, measured in Standard Production Volume (at least 4000 Euros SPV)" and Goal 6 "Increasing livestock numbers on farm".To reduce manual labor in honey production and to increase the number of bee families, the farmer will purchase an electric centrifuge in May 2019, with which the investment will start the business plan at the latest nine months from the date to conclude the contract for financial assistance and to fulfill objective 5 Improve the mechanization of the farm by purchasing agricultural machinery, plant and equipment for the needs of the farm.In order to acquire knowledge on the main problems of environmental protection, the farmer will participate in training and / or information on these problems lasting at least 8 school hours (2020).

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Status Contracted
Start date 11 Nov, 2019
End date 11 May, 2024
Contract date 11 Nov, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 48,895.00
Grant 48,895.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 24,447.50
EU participation percent 90.0%
