Establishment of a viable and sustainable agricultural holding with main activity growing perennials and vegetables.

Candidate under Sub-measure 6.1 "Start-up for Young Farmers" Nouriye Nouriwa is a registered farmer and cultivates 6,202 decares of land. The land is located in the land of Slivo pole, Slivo pole, Ruse. It manages a total of 5 properties - 4 of which are a yard and a regulated plot. This farm year grows vegetables and the structure of the farm is the following -2,800 decares of potatoes, 1,105 decares of greenhouse tomatoes, 0,483 decares of greenhouse cucumbers, 1,414 decares of pepper-greenhouse, 0,400 decares of green beans. All vegetables are grown by a conventional method. The applicant's holding has an economic size of 15,995.10 SOP. In order to adapt the farm and increase the economic efficiency and competitiveness, the cultivated land will be increased and a cultivator will be purchased. In the third business year, a land will be rented / purchased, on which will be created a permanent plato plant of 6 decares. The newly established permanent plantation will be cultivated in a biological way. He will continue to grow vegetables by following the program set out in the business plan. She will acquire professional skills and competences by taking part in a course in the field of agriculture. It will complete a course dealing with the main problems of protecting the environmental components of the agricultural sector or participating in information activities on these issues. The applicant will create additional employment by opening a job on the farm.

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Status Contracted
Start date 24 Oct, 2019
End date 24 Apr, 2024
Contract date 24 Oct, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 48,895.00
Grant 48,895.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 24,447.50
EU participation percent 90.0%
