Supporting the process of creating a viable and sustainable farm of the young farmer Milena Ivanova Dzhenkova.

The holding is a plant-growing affiliate with the cultivation of orchards - peaches and cherries. It is situated in the land of Sliven, Sliven, region Sliven. The plantations are located in total on four plots owned by the applicant - the peaches of 3 and the cherries of one. All areas are irrigated, with a drip irrigation system built. The pear trees are covered with the "Fair Clause" variety. Plantations were created in 2017. Cherry plantations were also set up in 2017. The "Erle Star" variety is covered. The beneficiary commenced its agricultural activity on October 1, 2017, when the term of the contract with which it leased its own orchards with peaches and cherries and began their cultivation. During the current 2017/2018, it cultivates 15,574 dc of peaches and 5,987 acres of cherries. It plans to increase the amount of arable land and farmed orchards with 7,500 cc of organic cherries. Currently, it does not have the necessary agricultural equipment and uses external mechanized services. Her intentions are to invest some of the money in buying a tractor to carry out the most important agro-technical activities related to the holding on the farm. Along with improving the physical condition of the farm, the beneficiary will do the necessary to acquire professional skills and competences by passing a minimum of 150 hours of training in the field of agriculture, including training on key environmental protection issues in the agricultural sector. The project also sets goals with social focus - opening new jobs. The candidate's foresight is to create additional employment by opening a new workplace with a production focus on the farm.

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Status Contracted
Start date 10 Oct, 2019
End date 10 Apr, 2024
Contract date 10 Oct, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 48,895.00
Grant 48,895.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 24,447.50
EU participation percent 90.0%
