Young farmers are a guarantee for the future of agricultural activity. They are holders of new skills and professional qualifications in the agricultural sector. The higher education level of young farmers will lead to easier adaptation of the sector to the upcoming changes, to the search for opportunities for higher productivity and competitiveness. The current candidate for Sub-measure 6.1 "Start-up for young farmers" of measure 6 "Development of farms and enterprises" is Tsvetomir Georgiev Marinov. On 07.07.2016 he signed two lease agreements for the purpose of commencing agricultural activities in connection with the growing of bee families. The young farmer has his aphids on the following properties: - property № I - 664, square 45 according to the plan of the village of Bregare, Dolna Mitropoliya with an area of 1580 sq.m for which the applicant has signed a contract for renting a real estate as of 07.07.2016 - Act No. 289, Volume 15, entered in the Registry Office; - property № VIII - 437, district 108 according to the plan of the village of Krushovene, Dolna Mitropolia with an area of 580 square meters for which property the applicant has signed a contract for renting a real estate from 07.07.2016-Act 290, Volume 15, entered in the Registry Office. Candidate Tsvetomir Marinov has no participation in commercial enterprises at the time of application, which is also reflected in the Declaration of Circumstances under Article 3 and Article 4 of the SMPS.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 03 Jul, 2020 |
End date | 03 Jan, 2025 |
Contract date | 03 Jul, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 48,895.00 |
Grant | 48,895.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 24,447.50 |
EU participation percent | 90.0% |