Starting aid for setting up holding of a young farmer

The initial production volume (SOP) of the holding is 14540,92 euros. During the current agricultural year the applicant cultivates agricultural crops and bee colonies according to the production program. The end date of the period for checking the execution of the business plan and the final date for submitting the application for a second payment under the grant agreement is 01.06.2021 / 2020/2021 in the third agricultural year of the production program. By that date, the farm's SPO will be 18852,14 euros. The farmer will increase the economic size of the farm for this period by EUR 4347.00.This will be achieved by increasing the area of ​​plums of 10,428 decares and the cherry areas of 10,300 decares, which form SPO. For the activity of the farm will buy a metal fence . This will take place in 2019. He will be trained on basic problems of conservation of the environmental components in the agricultural sector. Increasing farm activities will result in the need to create additional employment. The opening of a new job and the employment of one person will be accomplished by appointment as from 01.05.2020 with a labor contract on an eight-hour working day per 1 worker.

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Status Contracted
Start date 10 Oct, 2019
End date 10 Apr, 2024
Contract date 10 Oct, 2019
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 48,895.00
Grant 48,895.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 24,447.50
EU participation percent 90.0%
