In order to achieve the viability of the farm and the proper implementation of the business plan, the applicant plans to carry out the following activities: 1. Creation and cultivation of a new orchard of 4 acres of peaches. The plant will be set up at the beginning of the second year of the business plan. 2. For the new planting will be rented agricultural land of 4 decares. 3. It is planned to buy a second-hand tractor to secure the farm with agricultural equipment and will prove to be an investment in FTA under the measure. 4. The applicant plans to start raising bee families, which will help pollination and increase of the crop from permanent crops. The intentions are to buy 32 bee families and 32 bee hives in the second year of implementing the business plan. 5. Within 24 months of the implementation of the business plan, will be involved in environmental education using m 1 of RDP 14-20 "Transfer of knowledge and awareness actions". 6. By the date of the verification of the implementation of the business plan, 150 hours of training for skills and competences in the field of agriculture will be used, using 1 of RDP 14-20 "Knowledge transfer and awareness actions". 7. As the size of the project grows, the need for labor arises and the applicant intends to open one job by appointing a worker-plant worker on the labor contract in the second year of implementing the business plan.8. It is planned that the entire increase of the holding will be with the biological cultivation of crops and animals. For this purpose, the applicant will conclude a contract with a certified organic production company to pass peaches and bee colonies to organic production.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 11 Jun, 2020 |
End date | 11 Dec, 2024 |
Contract date | 11 Jun, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 48,895.00 |
Grant | 48,895.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 24,447.50 |
EU participation percent | 90.0% |