Nikolay Petrov Mateev is a farmer registered under Ordinance № 3/1999 establishing and maintaining the register of agricultural producers for the current economic year on 05.06.2018. At present, he breeds outdoor birds - ducks - 348pcs in an appropriately registered holding in the RDF for which he has been issued Certificate for OHS with №6533450084 / old 2800-0368 /. For the holding in which the owned ducks are grown he uses his own property with the number 65334.80.6 the whole with an area of 5000 sq.m, located on the territory of the town of Sandanski, Sandanski, Blagoevgrad region. The property was acquired on the basis of a notary deed for sale from 18.05.2018. No. 130, Volume I, Reg. No. 790, Case No. 119 of 2018. There is a permit for placement №66 from 01.06.2018. of 12 pcs. moving objects - facilities with dimensions 1.66m / 6.00m and 1 pcs. a facility measuring 1.00m / 10.00m. for the rearing of waterfowl in PO 65334.80.6 At present the property is located 6 of the removable sites - facilities with dimensions of 1.66m / 6.00m for which permission has been granted, as they are sufficient for the number and size of the duced. If necessary, additional movable objects will be placed - facilities for which an installation permit is issued. The planned development of the farm is geared only to the sphere of breeding, which will be a major source of income. Animals are kept as required by existing legislation.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 16 Aug, 2019 |
End date | 16 Feb, 2024 |
Contract date | 16 Aug, 2019 |
Financial information
Total cost | 48,895.00 |
Grant | 48,895.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 24,447.50 |
EU participation percent | 90.0% |