The project proposal aims to obtain start-up aid for the development of the farm of the young farmer Kadra Ahmedova Zeleva, located in the village of Osikovo and the village of Skrebatno, Garmen municipality, Blagoevgrad district. At present, raspberries (1.920 decares), hothouse tomatoes (0.016 decares) and hothouse pepper (0.094 decares), tomatoes /9.596 drcares/, potatoes /1 decare/ and land areas (0.142 decares) are grown on the farm and the farmer raises 1 diary cow and 1 calf in her animal farm with № 5418410005 /old № 2965 - 0047/ in the village of Osikovo, according to Certificate № 1731 / 15.05.2018 on the grounds of Art. 137, para. 6 of the Law on Veterinary Activities. The initial economic size of the farm measured in the standard production volume is 21 634.09 BGN. Within the framework of the project the farmer is expected to increase the economic size of the farm with BGN 8 070.00 by planting another 5 decares of tomatoes on additional rented land. In order to improve farm mechanization, the farmer will purchase a long-term tangible asset - a motor milling machine to help with the cultivation of the land. Within a period of 9 months from the conclusion of the grant agreement, the farmer will pass a course on the problems of environmental protection in agricultural sector. In the middle of 2021 the farmer will hire 1 employee, which will help him in preparing and realizing the planned increase in the farm as well as in the work on the already growing farm. The final result of the project will be a viable, modernized and competitive farm for raspberries, hothouse tomatoes and hothouse pepper, tomatoes, potatoes and for raising 1 diary cow and a calf.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 03 Jul, 2020 |
End date | 03 Jan, 2025 |
Contract date | 03 Jul, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 48,895.00 |
Grant | 48,895.00 |
Self finance | 0.00 |
Total paid | 24,447.50 |
EU participation percent | 90.0% |