Start-up aid for the development of the Farm of ZP Shadi Hasanov Hadzhiyski

Shadi Hasanov Hadzhiyski has so far not been an agricultural activity and has not been a registered farmer. It was registered for the first time on April 16, 2018. Shadi Hasanov Hadzhiyski did not earn income from agricultural activity for 2017. The applicant has a registration in ISAK with URN 706266. For this economic year, the farmer has 5,723 decares of cherries and 12,5 decares plums. For the future, Shadi Hasanov Hadzhiyski wants to develop his farm entirely in the Fruit and Vegetables sector. The applicant will continue to grow perennials - cherries, and plums. By the third year of the Business Plan, Shadi Hasanov Hadzhiyski will increase his holding with a minimum of 2 decares of cherries and 4 decares of plums. For the planned increase, the ZP will use newly purchased or newly added agricultural land. Shadi Hasanov Hadzhiyski intends to buy within the project a sprayer for part of the agro-technical measures on the farm worth 1000 leva. Nurie Nehatova Gavazova will attend a training session of at least 18 school hours on the main environmental protection issues in agriculture and 150 hours in the field of agriculture for part of a profession or obtained degree of professional qualification by a training institution, under the Higher Education Act or the Vocational Education and Training Act.

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Status Contracted
Start date 06 Jul, 2020
End date 06 Jan, 2025
Contract date 06 Jul, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 48,895.00
Grant 48,895.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 24,447.50
EU participation percent 90.0%
