growing of permanent crops

The applicant handles nine properties on the land of the village of Buchino, Blagoevgrad and one in the land of the village of Zelen Dol, Blagoevgrad. The properties are used on the basis of two rental contracts. With a lease from 12.02.2018. registered in the Registry Office Blagoevgrad v.№530 from 12.02.2018, Act No.30, Volume I, Case №309 / 2018, nine properties are rented for a period of eight years from the date of its signing. On the cultivated area of total 23,770 decares are grown perennial crops - Stone fruit species (cherry, cherry, peach, apricot, plums, beetroot) - 8.01 decares, Pomegranate (apple, pear, quince) - 14.526 decares, species (walnut, palm, almond, chestnut) 1.02 acres, mulberry - 0.052 decares. and 0.162 decares are set aside. The specific culture of each property and its size is described in detail in "Table 1. Land available for the holding (*)".In order to meet the set goals in the business plan to grow at a minimum of 4,000 euros, the SBO will hire another 8 acres of pears, for which they will conclude a contract with a controlling company for a transition to organic production. In this way, the farm will be established as a sustainable and market-oriented region, fulfilling all the requirements of European and national legislation.

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Status Contracted
Start date 09 Jul, 2020
End date 24 Feb, 2022
Contract date 09 Jul, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 48,895.00
Grant 48,895.00
Self finance 0.00
Total paid 24,447.50
EU participation percent 90.0%
