In many rural municipalities in Bulgaria people still don‘t have access to the quality medical services that the citizens of the big cities take for granted. One such service is dental care, which affects people’s quality of life and their general health status. The present project is related to the purchase of equipment for the needs of existing dental office, located in the territory of the town of Rudozem, Rudozem municipality. The present project not only aims to improve the level of health services in the municipality, but also to reduce disparities in the quality of medical care between urban and rural areas. The candidate has experience in solving various clinical cases, which, by introducing the latest technologies for treating teeth and gums, guarantees a quality service in dealing with any problem affecting the dental health of patients. An individualised treatment plan will be written for each patient to find the most appropriate method for treatment for each patient, which best meets modern requirements for aesthetics and function. The planned dental services will be fully in line with the quality standards, hygiene and safe working processes that are currently in force in the country and the EU. Therefore, the investor's expectations are that the current project will contribute to raising the economic performance and competitiveness of the dental office. The undertaken activities will support the development and diversification of the economic situation in the area and will create new opportunities for alternative income for the local population. The investment will undoubtedly have a high efficiency in terms of reducing unemployment and creating new work positions for the municipality's residents. The applicant plans to create 4 new jobs.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 05 May, 2021 |
End date | 05 May, 2023 |
Contract date | 05 May, 2021 |
Financial information
Total cost | 66,591.05 |
Grant | 33,295.52 |
Self finance | 33,295.53 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |