• Short description of the project proposal This project proposal is aimed at modernizing an existing practice for dental medicine by purchasing modern dental equipment. There are 4 separate cabinets in the dental center, which employ 4 doctors in dentistry. It is generally intended to purchase the following assets: Laser for hard and soft tissues, Dental unit, Autoclave, Intraoral sensor, Aspiration system, Dental X-ray for intraoral photos, Water Distiller, Wrapping Machine, Dental Periphery, Implant Engine, Bleaching Lamp and Other Dental Equipment. The envisaged investment in this project will allow the upgrading and equipping of a modern dental cabinet that will give the candidate competitive advantage given the state-of-the-art technology it will be equipped with, while at the same time enabling high standards of health and safety labor. The detailed description of all the assets provided for under the project is given in Table 1 of the Business Plan as well as in the Eligible Investments Table of the Application. The project provides an economic assessment of the provision of dental services to "AMBULATORY FOR PRIMARY EXTRA-DONAL AIDS" PETRADENT OOD - GROUP PRACTICE ", the economic status of the applicant is indicated, a comprehensive account of his activity and the expectations of the company for development of this market. The net financial resources required to implement the project amounted to 150 850.40 BGN. excluding the cost of consulting services. With the realization of the investment, the company will improve its activity by opening new and preserving existing jobs and introducing new specialized equipment. The sector in which it operates is highly competitive, but at the same time it has a huge potential for development in the area.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 24 Mar, 2021 |
End date | 24 Mar, 2023 |
Contract date | 24 Mar, 2021 |
Financial information
Total cost | 158,392.92 |
Grant | 79,196.46 |
Self finance | 79,196.46 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |