The project proposal presents the investment intentions of ET "AMP-K-IP-Dr. Georgi Nikolov" for the purchase of medical equipment - portable and stationary color echograph and 6 channel ECG apparatus for performing basic cardiographic activities in the medical practice of Dr. Nikolov in Belogradchik municipality, region Vidin. The medical practice is registered under NACE code 86.22 "Activities of specialists". Contract № 29-05-0213 / 11.05.2018 with the Regional Health Insurance Fund for rendering specialized outpatient medical care in cardioremathology is available. In order to carry out his activity, Dr Nikolov, who is a doctor of internal medicine and cardioremathology, has a lease of premises with "Medical Center-Belogradchik" Ltd., suitable for the performed activity. There is no other cardiologist in the municipality of Belogradchik and the surrounding municipalities - Dimovo, Kula, Chuprene, Gramada, which are also rural municipalities, as well as the Belogradchik municipality and the adjacent settlements. The closest place is a specialist doctor in Vidin but for the border settlements in the vicinity the provision of specialized services in cardiology is the only practice of Dr. Nikolov, for which the availability of modern equipment is of paramount necessity for accurate and correct diagnostics. The expected results of the project implementation are directly related to the expected results of the procedure, namely: 1. Supporting investment to develop services in non-agricultural activities, which is essential for the development of rural competitiveness. 2. Encouraging investment activities will accelerate the diversification of non-agricultural activities in the region. 3. Support the development of technologies in the field of reduction of harmful emissions and waste, in compliance with the environmental protection policy. 4. Supporting innovation in services in rural areas.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 29 Jun, 2021 |
End date | 29 Jun, 2023 |
Contract date | 29 Jun, 2021 |
Financial information
Total cost | 203,594.00 |
Grant | 101,797.00 |
Self finance | 101,797.00 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |