Construction and equipment of the Auto Service in the town of Gotse Delchev

The current investment project is prepared for application BG06RDNP001-6.003 - Selection procedure BG06RDNP001-6.003 - "Development of services in all sectors and other non-agricultural activities" under sub-measure 6.4.1. Investments in Support of Non-agricultural Activities "from the PRSR 2014-2020, the investment expenses included being focused on the construction of a car service and the purchase of machinery and equipment for its optimal functioning in the PI with ID No 17395.112.201, Mochura locality, Gotse Delchev, Gotse Delchev Municipality. The possibility, the cost of running the company to be financed by sub-measure Measure 6.4.1. "Investments in Support of Non-agricultural Activities" from the PRSR 2014-2020 further stimulates the applicant to prepare and implement the investment program for optimal operation of the enterprise. The selection of the assets subject to the investment was done after careful consideration and comparison of the parameters (quality + efficiency) / (marginal price + maintenance) offered by different suppliers. Additionally, the volume of the necessary capacities to optimize the activity is taken into account. The project includes basic information, business plan, technical, financial-accounting, declarative information and other accompanying documents, according to the requirements of the Measure 6.4.1. "Investments in support of non-agricultural activities" under the PRSR 2014-2020

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Status Contracted
Start date 31 Mar, 2022
End date 15 Sep, 2023
Contract date 31 Mar, 2022
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 384,587.54
Grant 192,293.77
Self finance 192,293.77
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%


Bulgaria, South-West and South Central Bulgaria (BG4), South-West (BG41), Blagoevgrad (BG413), Gotse Delchev, Gotse Delchev