The current project is to increase investment in non-agricultural sectors in rural areas. The realization of the investment intentions will lead to the following goals: the creation and development of micro enterprises, as well as the creation of jobs and the stimulation of local development in rural areas. One of the main problems in the Mineral Baths, Reg. Haskovo, the weak development and low dynamics of the economy. The analysis prepared by the Governor The company shows untapped existing and emerging opportunities for development of sports service operations. These findings determine the possibility of encouraging investment in the construction of a commercial site to provide services to the population. The implementation of the investment will contribute to the strengthening of the vertical and horizontal links in the local economy. The implementation of the investment subject to this project will lead to the development of local capacity for sustainable development of enterprises on the territory of the municipality. Mineral Baths, Reg. Haskovo. On the other hand, the development of the provision of services for the use of sports facilities will also lead to environmental protection. The project is implemented in NATURA 2000 territory. The investment under the project proposal is for the construction of a commercial site with service rooms. The investment also includes the purchase of equipment necessary for the operation of the business premises. All costs necessary for the operation of the site are included in the investment applied for. The company "Toplikon 2008" Ltd. is a farmer and is a micro-enterprise, which operates on the territory of the municipality. Mineral Baths, Reg. Haskovo. The implementation of the project will contribute to achieving priority 6A) Facilitate the diversification, creation and development of small enterprises as well as the creation of jobs and objectives Promoting employment, opening new ones and preserving existing jobs.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 02 Jul, 2021 |
End date | 15 Sep, 2023 |
Contract date | 02 Jul, 2021 |
Financial information
Total cost | 350,718.92 |
Grant | 175,359.46 |
Self finance | 175,359.46 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |