Charlot Ltd. is a microenterprise registered in the territory of a rural area. The current project proposal envisages investments in the construction of a vehicle service station as well as in the purchase of tangible fixed assets/machines, equipment / necessary for the operation of the company and the operation of the workshop. The applicant's project falls under sector G- 45.20 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles. The auto service will carry out activities entirely related to maintenance and repair services. The project will be implemented in Sapareva Banya. The activities envisaged for implementation also include a provision of sustainable employment by creating new jobs in the company.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 31 May, 2021 |
End date | 01 Jun, 2021 |
Contract date | 31 May, 2021 |
Financial information
Total cost | 484,305.78 |
Grant | 242,152.89 |
Self finance | 242,152.89 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |