The essence of the present investment project is development and expansion of the activity of VIMAX CLIMA GROUP LTD. The main objective of the management is to preserve current market positions and to seek to expand and diversify the sphere of activity in the field of repairing services. This will require overcoming competitors and maintaining stable levels of customer interest. Expectations are that this expansion of activity will lead to attracting new customers, making more revenue and profit. There will also be a need to open new jobs. The specific subject of the project is the preparation and realization of the construction of a service base for heating, air conditioning and household appliances and an administrative building - furnished and equipped, as well as layout of the yard space. The final result of the current project is the commissioning of a "Service Base for Heating, Climate and Domestic Equipment", which provides conditions for the development of a larger and more efficient business. The management appreciates the fact that human factor is the main resource for delivering high quality services. The expansion of the company's business will require the recruitment and qualification of new workers. In implementing its development strategy, the current project will be tailored to and tailored to the individual and specific needs of the company. The objective of the investment is also to create new highly qualified jobs, increase the competitiveness of the employees and their long-term retention in the company. The main activities of the project are: Development of services in Sector C, Section 33, according to Appendix 18, by building a Service Base for heating, air conditioning and household appliances. The overall implementation of the project activities will lead to a successful and financed investment project and increased staff (+10 people), increasing the quality of the services offered, the competitiveness and the image of the company.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 15 Apr, 2021 |
End date | 15 Sep, 2023 |
Contract date | 15 Apr, 2021 |
Financial information
Total cost | 677,000.80 |
Grant | 338,500.40 |
Self finance | 338,500.40 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |