Car service and repair of vehicles in Reg. XIX-139, quarter 29, Grancharovo village, Dulovo

Project "Car service and repair of cars in Reg. XIX-139, 29, Grancharovo village, Dulovo "ET" GEORGI NIKOLOV 2018 "aims to create and start a car center for servicing and repair of cars in the village of Grancharovo, Dulovo. The autocenter will be located in Reg. XIX-139, district 29 according to the plan of the village of Grancharovo, Dulovo, Silistra region. For this purpose the project envisages the construction of a new building and the purchase of the necessary specialized equipment. The capacity of the center is to repair and service on average up to 2,750 cars per year. It is staffed by 10 people. The work of the auto center is mainly aimed at servicing the local population in Dulovo municipality, as well as the tourists visiting the nearby towns as needed.

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Status Contracted
Start date 08 Apr, 2021
End date 15 Sep, 2023
Contract date 08 Apr, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 294,461.28
Grant 147,230.64
Self finance 147,230.64
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%


Bulgaria, North and South East Bulgaria (BG3), North Central (BG32), Silistra (BG325), Dulovo, Grancharovo