Centre for dental care

In the dental center it is intended different services to be offered and whole care for the dental health. As part of the investment intention of AIPPDP d-r Keti Ivanova for a dental center the acquisition of a system fro dental care is planned, which is defended with an utility model. The task of the investment project ist for a dental care center to be created, which will offer complex dental services. It allows all activites connected to the dental health to be done on one place. The task is achieved buying a center for dental care, defended with an utility model. This center is a system for dental care. It includes a destillator and a packing machine, both connected with an autoclave. The autoclave is situated just above the noise isolation box, containing a compressor. The compressor is attached to a dental chair. The center for dental care includes also x-ray, which is connected to a computer two-way.

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Status Contracted
Start date 02 Jul, 2021
End date 02 Jul, 2023
Contract date 02 Jul, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 781,000.00
Grant 390,500.00
Self finance 390,500.00
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%


Bulgaria, South-West and South Central Bulgaria (BG4), South Central (BG42), Plovdiv (BG421), Karlovo, Klisura