"Construction of a home for the elderly" in a property with identifier №39164.15.130, village of Kosharitsa, Nessebar municipality, Burgas region

The project proposal presents the possibility for financial support of ET "N.M. Turism - Nazmie Mehmed" under sub-measure 6.4.1. "Investments Supporting Non-Farming Activities" under Measure 6 "Development of Farms and Enterprises" of the Rural Development Program for the period 2014-2020, supported by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development in order to achieve growth in entrepreneurship. The investment project includes the construction of a home for the elderly in a property with identifier № 39164.15.130, village of Kosharitsa, Nessebar municipality, Burgas region. The elderly home has 14 double rooms and 16 single rooms or the total capacity is 44 accommodation places. The project was created, as an alternative, to the so-called old-age homes for the elderly with the only human and noble purpose - to provide such living conditions that the elderly received it to receive care and service at a qualitatively different level with different human attitudes, living environment, nutrition according to the individual health condition and free habitation regime. A home for elderly people means providing the appropriate level of intervention and support to enable people to achieve maximum autonomy and control over their own lives. It creates a family-friendly environment in which individuals receive the necessary individualized care and support for a relatively independent life. Organizing life and services in the elderly home is aimed at creating the conditions for equal participation of consumers in the life of the local community. The services provided at the home for the elderly will provide a quality of life that guarantees the well-being and social inclusion of each individual by providing individualized care and support focused on achievable results for service users and living in a family-friendly environment.

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Status Contracted
Start date 23 Jul, 2021
End date 15 Sep, 2023
Contract date 15 Jul, 2021
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 798,596.32
Grant 391,152.48
Self finance 407,443.84
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%


Bulgaria, North and South East Bulgaria (BG3), South-East (BG34), Burgas (BG341), Nesebar, Kosharitsa