Establishment for bread and pastry production, located in UPI II-100091 - Construction, production warehouse and general. Warehouse, Gureto Locality, Krumovo Village, Rhodope Municipality

The project envisages the construction of a production building for the production of bread and pastry in the village of Krumovo and the purchase of equipment for bread and pastry production. Situated and communicating - a clean, easily accessible location close to a big city near major transport thoroughfares - the chosen terrain creates the conditions for building a modern-day object. The site will be built on a land owned by the company, which is in close proximity to existing communication systems and energy sources. Simultaneously with the construction of the workshop, internal rules for good manufacturing, hygienic and laboratory practices will be developed and implemented, the NASSR system for safe food production. This will create the conditions for producing competitive products that meet all the contemporary requirements of the markets. Through these new investments, the planned production capacity of the company will be reached and a low cost per unit of product will be achieved. The project will also create new jobs. The appointment of 12 people is planned. The management of the company is convinced that the success of the company depends on the ability to meet the requirements and expectations of the customers and to build competitive production. Efforts of the company are aimed at effective management of the processes influencing the quality of the products presented.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 03 Sep, 2020
End date 03 Sep, 2023
Contract date 03 Sep, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 443,303.09
Grant 221,651.54
Self finance 221,651.55
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
