The primary goal that the “JV Electric” company sets itself with the present investment project is to modernise and diversify its core activity: the production of specialized plastic ware for use in the electrical engineering domain. The investment programme drafted by the enterprise management includes the purchase and commissioning of a new spritz machine for plastic elements moulding, peripheral equipment servicing both the new unit and the machines currently available at the production plant, as well as new moulding tools (matrixes or spritz forms). With the implementation of this programme, the “JV Electric” Ltd. management foresees to eventually decommissioning the outdated assets (both machines and matrixes) in the production base and to secure the facilities necessary for the complete optimization of the company’s production activity. As for the direct short-term impacts of the investment programme as expected by the applicant, the implementation of the project proposed herewith will lead to a significant improvement of the overall performance of "JV Electric" Ltd. on the national market of plastic ware for use in electrical engineering, combined with a rise in the environmental and energetic efficiency of production and tangibly improved labour conditions within the plant. And last but not least, in its eternity the present project will not only provide for the critically needed modernization of the production processes within the applying company and – respectively – for a logical growth in its competitiveness, but will also contribute to improving the economic climate in the area of implementation (the village of Chernozemen, Municipality of Kaloyanovo), encouraging the further development of a company that already proved successful, and initially opening least 3 new jobs.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 31 Aug, 2020 |
End date | 31 Aug, 2022 |
Contract date | 31 Aug, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 771,775.52 |
Grant | 385,887.76 |
Self finance | 385,887.76 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |