The project proposal envisages renovation of a building intended for production "Workshop for preparation of reinforcement", located in land with ID 65365.27.51.1 in Sapareva bathroom . The building is a metal structure, a single spatial function of fitting workshop. The supporting structure is made of steel. The surrounding wall elements are made of sheet steel. The roof is sloped, covered with sheet steel. Envisaged repairs of roof and wall cladding with poleuretanovi panels metal building and purchase and installation of automated robots - ROBOT 163 and MIKRO 12, which are fully automated bidirectional processing machines fittings designed for the production of specific forms and bigli .They are reinforcing / bending / bending / details of various shapes / straight and curved elements (beams, chairs, details for beams and stairs, etc.) / lengths according to the customer's specification. buildings, establishments and more. The technological process is described in detail in the offer of Galanos, chosen as a supplier of the equipment. The long-standing experience of the company in this sector shows that with the introduction of a new technological process, the cost of raw materials will be reduced, the productivity of the enterprise will increase, and new jobs will be opened up. With the introduction of the two automated machines in production, it will be possible to increase the pay of workers, reduce the sale price of finished products, which in turn will increase the competitiveness of the enterprise.
Status | Contracted |
Start date | 09 Oct, 2020 |
End date | 09 Oct, 2023 |
Contract date | 09 Oct, 2020 |
Financial information
Total cost | 497,492.88 |
Grant | 248,746.44 |
Self finance | 248,746.44 |
Total paid | 0.00 |
EU participation percent | 85.0% |