Investments in the production of concrete products in the municipality of Dalgopol

ET MU and Fa - Nasibe Musa is a sole trader ridistered in the Commercial Register from 27.08.2008 with owner - Nasibe Ferad Musa. The headquarters of the company is located in the village of Lopushna, Dulgopol , reg. 41, Parva str, and the current project proposal is planned to be realized in the same village on the property XIII-362 sq.15, which is owned by the company according to a Notary deed for sale. The company is focusing on the start of a new activity - production of concrete products, with the purpose of building a metal shed where the concrete production line, which the applicant plans to purchase, will be positioned. It is planned to build a concrete site next to the shed, which will be used to place the finished products. A forklift / gascar will also be purchased for the production needs, which will be used within the boundaries of the property for lifting for loading and unloading operations. The realization of these investments will in turn lead to the creation of new jobs, with 10 persons being employed in the company's manufacturing activity.

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Status Terminated (termination date)
Start date 23 Sep, 2020
End date 15 Sep, 2023
Contract date 23 Sep, 2020
View in UMIS

Financial information

Total cost 337,582.02
Grant 168,791.01
Self finance 168,791.01
Total paid 0.00
EU participation percent 85.0%
